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EverythingUnder One Roof
18 May 2022
We recently held a charity bake sale at both our Stevenage and Great Gransden sites.
This event was organized to raise money for homeless charity, LewensKruispaaie. We chose to support this charity as it is run by the father of our Accounts Assistant, Laurika Austin, so it is one that is close to our hearts.
The homeless shelter is based in Three Rivers, South Africa and they assist with food, accommodation, clothing, necessities and guidance. Their main objective is to assist the homeless to regain their dignity and find them work so that they may become respected members of society. Currently there are 75 people living on a plot in Three Rivers, including women and children.
Thanks to all our staff at both our Stevenage and Great Gransden sites who did an amazing job with our charity bake sale, raising £183 for the charity.
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